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All Zerts products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Zerts: eNT combines, ENT chairs, smoke aspirators, gynecological, urological, proctological chairs, electromechanical couches, proctological combines, urological combines, birth beds, blood transfusion chairs, medical furniture
  • ENT combines Zerts
    ENT combines
  • ENT chairs Zerts
    ENT chairs
    Chair, etc.
  • Smoke Aspirators Zerts
    Smoke Aspirators
    ASP et al.
  • Chairs for gynecology, urology, proctology Zerts
    Chairs for gynecology, urology, proctology
    60-130 kg, etc.
  • Gynecological combines Zerts
    Gynecological combines
    GIN PLUS, etc.
  • Couches, banquettes Zerts
    Couches, banquettes
    Single - engine , etc .
  • Proctological combines Zerts
    Proctological combines
    PROCTO PLUS, etc.
  • Urological combines Zerts
    Urological combines
    URO PLUS, etc.
  • Birth beds Zerts
    Birth beds
    up to 250 kg, etc.
  • Blood transfusion chairs Zerts
    Blood transfusion chairs
    up to 230 kg, etc.
  • Beds and wheelchairs Zerts
    Beds and wheelchairs
    KMF-4, etc.
  • Medical furniture Zerts
    Medical furniture
    Reception desks, etc.

About Zerts

The company ZERTS (Khotkovo) is a Russian manufacturer of medical equipment and medical furniture under its own trademark.

    ZERTS products are registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and have registration certificates and all permits for sale in the Russian Federation.

    Every year, ZERTS expands its product range. Sometimes this happens with the help of partners: dealers and medical clinics.
  • production

    All ZERTS equipment is fully manufactured in Russia, in its own production, the company does not use contract manufacturing.

Information Board Zerts

Learn more about our products Zerts.
  • Catalog brand Zerts
  • Questionnaire from manufacturer Zerts


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